January 9, 2012 16:40 by
There are many ways to connect by FTP to a host, we can use tools such as Filezilla, CoreFTP, or SmartFTP. But I would recommend to use Filezilla, very simpe, FREE, and easy to use. In this article, I will assume you cant connect or you don’t have a FTP client software. So, in this case you need to use Internet Explorer to connect it.
You can upload and delete files at your online server using Internet Explorer.
In order to connect by FTP with your browser, use the following address:
ftp://FtpUserID:[email protected]
For example, let’s assume the following:
FTP User: HostForLife
Password: googletest
Site: www.testFTP.com
The above information would use the following in the Internet Explorer Address bar:
ftp://HostForLife: [email protected]
However, if your FTP user used to connect is similar to [email protected], then you will have to URL encode it like this:
ftp:// FtpUserID%40YourDomainName.com:[email protected]
In the case above, it is important to note what the FTP username is:
This address is URL-encoded and comes from [email protected] where @ has been substituted with %40, which is the ASCII code for @.
After visiting your website by using the above exampled address, Internet Explorer will open the site content in its window. Then from the “View” menu of Internet Explorer, you may select “Open FTP site in Windows Explorer” to edit, upload or delete the files at your web server.
Hope this tutorial will help you.