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SQL Server Hosting - HostForLIFE :: SQL Server Dynamic Data Masking

clock October 25, 2023 08:52 by author Peter

What exactly is Dynamic Data Masking?
Dynamic Data Masking (DDM) is a SQL Server security feature that helps secure sensitive data in real time by obscuring it from users who do not have the necessary access rights. It enables users to selectively mask sensitive data without changing the underlying data. This aids in data privacy and confidentiality protection in contexts where sensitive data is accessed by different people with varying levels of clearance.

This post will go over the concept of Dynamic Data Masking in SQL Server, as well as its benefits and examples.

How may Dynamic Data Masking be used?

  • DDM can be used with one of four masking functions: default, email, random, or custom. These functions enable you to modify how the data is masked based on the data type and sensitivity level.
  • Default Masking: Use the default masking function to mask sensitive data with a predetermined mask. For example, you can utilize the default masking mechanism to hide all but the final four digits of a credit card number.
  • Email Masking: When you wish to mask an email address but keep it recognizable as an email address, you utilize the email masking function. For example, you can utilize the email masking tool to hide an email address's domain name.
  • When you want to mask data with a random value, you use the random masking function. You can, for example, use the random masking function to replace a year in Date of Birth with a random value.
  • Custom Masking: Use the custom masking function to build a bespoke mask for sensitive data. You can, for example, utilize the custom masking function to mask a phone number in a specific format.

How to create Masking functions?
Let's see, with an example, create a table with default, email, random, and custom masking functions and insert some records by running the following command.

--Create table with masking functions
    FirstName VARCHAR(100) MASKED WITH (FUNCTION = 'PARTIAL(1, "xxx", 1)') NULL,
    LastName  VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL,

--Inser sample records
INSERT INTO dbo.DDM_TestTable (FirstName, LastName, Phone, Email, BirthYear)
VALUES ('Peter', 'Black', '9876543210', '[email protected]', 1982),
('Scott', 'Cassidy', '9128374650', '[email protected]', 1991),
('John', 'Lee', '9021873456', '[email protected]', 1989),
('Laura', 'M', '8907654321', '">[email protected]', 1985);

Create a User and Grant the SELECT permission on the schema where the table resides by execution the following command.

Execute the query as the DDMUser to view masked data from the table.
SELECT * FROM dbo.DDM_TestTable

Benefits of Dynamic Data Masking

Organizations that need to protect sensitive data might benefit from Dynamic Data Masking in a variety of ways. Some of these advantages.

  • Enhanced Security: Dynamic Data Masking shields sensitive data from unauthorized users by obscuring it. This aids in the prevention of data breaches and illegal access to critical information.
  • Improved Compliance: Many firms must adhere to data privacy standards such as GDPR and HIPAA. Dynamic Data Masking assists enterprises in complying with these rules by preventing unauthorized access to sensitive data.
  • Reduced danger: Dynamic Data concealing decreases the danger of data theft and other security breaches by concealing sensitive data. This helps to defend the organization's reputation and sustain customer trust.
  • Increased Flexibility: Dynamic Data Masking can be used to mask data selectively based on user roles and permissions. This allows for more control over access to sensitive data.

What new DDM feature was introduced in SQL Server 2022(16.x)?
Datetime has a new masking function.
With the introduction of granular permission, we may grant or revoke UNMASK permission to a user or database role at the database, schema, table, or column level. SQL Server 2022 Hosting is European Windows Hosting Provider which focuses on Windows Platform only. We deliver on-demand hosting solutions including Shared hosting, Reseller Hosting, Cloud Hosting, Dedicated Servers, and IT as a Service for companies of all sizes.


SQL Server Hosting - HostForLIFE :: Understanding SQL Common Table Expressions (CTEs)

clock October 16, 2023 07:29 by author Peter

SQL is an essential tool for managing and searching databases in today's data-driven environment. However, as our data and queries become more complicated, so does the difficulty of writing and maintaining SQL code. CTEs (Common Table Expressions) provide an elegant answer to this problem. In this blog post, we'll look at CTEs, what they are, how to use them, and why database professionals need them.

What exactly is CTE?
A named temporary result set within a SQL query is referred to as a Common Table Expression (CTE). Consider it a method of breaking down complex searches into smaller chunks. CTEs can be utilized in statements such as SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE. They improve your SQL code's readability and maintainability, making it easier to understand and modify.

WITH CTE_Name (Column1, Column2, ...) AS (
    -- SQL query that defines the CTE
    SELECT ...

The CTE can then be referenced in the next section of the query.

The Benefits of Using CTEs
There are various benefits to using CTEs in your SQL code:

  • CTEs improve query readability by breaking complex queries down into more intelligible components.
  • CTEs enable you to construct reusable sections of code, which simplifies maintenance and debugging.
  • Potential performance gains: Some database systems have the ability to optimize queries that employ CTEs more effectively.

Let's look at how CTEs can improve code readability and maintainability.

CTEs that are not recursive
Non-recursive CTEs are used in non-recursive queries to create temporary result sets. They are excellent for simplifying complex queries in the absence of hierarchical data structures.

The CTE can then be referenced in the next section of the query.

The Benefits of Using CTEs

There are various benefits to using CTEs in your SQL code:

  • CTEs improve query readability by breaking complex queries down into more intelligible components.
  • CTEs enable you to construct reusable sections of code, which simplifies maintenance and debugging.
  • Potential performance gains: Some database systems have the ability to optimize queries that employ CTEs more effectively.

Let's look at how CTEs can improve code readability and maintainability.

CTEs that are not recursive

Non-recursive CTEs are used in non-recursive queries to create temporary result sets. They are excellent for simplifying complex queries in the absence of hierarchical data structures.

Consider this example: you have a database of products and want to find all products with a price above the average price. A non-recursive CTE can help make this query more readable.
WITH AveragePrice AS (
    SELECT AVG(Price) AS AvgPrice
    FROM Products

SELECT ProductName, Price
FROM Products
WHERE Price > (SELECT AvgPrice FROM AveragePrice);

In this case, the AveragePrice CTE calculates the average price, which is then used in the main query to filter products.

CTEs that repeat themselves

While non-recursive CTEs are beneficial in a variety of situations, recursive CTEs excel when working with hierarchical data. These are data structures in which one item is related to another, such as employees and their managers in a hierarchical organization or individuals in a family tree.

A recursive CTE's structure is made up of two parts: the anchor member and the recursive member.

  • Anchor Member: This is the first part of the CTE and serves as the starting point for recursion. The anchor member picks employees who do not have supervisors (i.e., top-level employees) in an organizational structure.
  • This section is executed after the anchor member and may refer back to the CTE itself. It chooses employees with bosses and adds them to the anchor members. This operation is repeated until no more rows are generated.

Consider how a recursive CTE can be used to navigate an organizational structure.

Best Practices and Case Studies
There are various important practices to remember when working with CTEs.

  • CTEs for recursive data: Consider utilizing a recursive CTE if your data has a hierarchical or recursive structure.
  • Avoid utilizing CTEs excessively: While CTEs can improve code readability, utilizing them in excess might cause performance concerns.
  • Indexing: For optimal CTE performance, ensure that your tables have proper indexes.

CTEs are quite adaptable in terms of use cases. They can be used for the following purposes:

  • Handling hierarchical data: As we've seen in earlier examples, recursive CTEs are ideal for dealing with organizational hierarchies, family trees, and other nested data structures.
  • Data validation: CTEs can be used to check for data consistency and validate information.
  • Complex queries: When writing complex queries, splitting them down into smaller, modular CTEs can make your code more maintainable.

Subqueries and Comparisons
Subqueries and CTEs are both techniques for breaking down complex SQL queries. There are, nevertheless, significant distinctions.

  • CTEs: Allow you to divide the query into named modular components. They have the potential to increase query readability and maintainability.
  • Subqueries are inline queries that are a subset of a bigger query. They might make queries more difficult to read and comprehend.

Let's look at both approaches in the context of a real-world case.
WITH EmployeeRanks AS (
        ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY Department ORDER BY Salary DESC) AS Rank
    FROM Employees

SELECT Department, EmployeeName, Salary
FROM EmployeeRanks
WHERE Rank = 1;

This query uses the ROW_NUMBER() function within a CTE to rank employees within each department based on their salary. It then selects only those with a rank of 1, which are the highest-paid employees in their respective departments.

Calculating Running Totals for Sales

Consider a scenario where you have a table of daily sales, and you want to calculate the running total of sales over time. CTEs can simplify this calculation.
WITH Sales AS (
        SUM(Amount) OVER (ORDER BY SaleDate) AS RunningTotal
    FROM DailySales

SELECT SaleDate, Amount, RunningTotal
FROM Sales;

In this example, the CTE computes the running total of sales by using the SUM() window function within the OVER clause. It provides a straightforward way to calculate running totals in your data. SQL Server 2022 Hosting is European Windows Hosting Provider which focuses on Windows Platform only. We deliver on-demand hosting solutions including Shared hosting, Reseller Hosting, Cloud Hosting, Dedicated Servers, and IT as a Service for companies of all sizes.


SQL Server Hosting - HostForLIFE :: SQL Server Search Functionality

clock October 13, 2023 08:30 by author Peter

How Does SQL Server Search Work?
The LIKE operator is used in a WHERE clause in SQL to search for a specific pattern in a column.

The wildcards % and _ are frequently used in the LIKE operator.
% denotes one or more characters, as in Acc% — Account, Accept, Access. _ denotes a single character, as in Labs, Cabs, and Tabs are all abbreviated as _abs.

What exactly is Normal Search?

The search is limited to a single column. Filter the results depending on the single column's search text.
The column Department Name is searched in the sample below.

DECLARE @SearchText VARCHAR(255)

SET @SearchText = 'engineer'

FROM dbo.DimEmployee WITH(NOLOCK)
WHERE DepartmentName LIKE '%' + @SearchText + '%'

In the below example, search is applied to the column FirstName.
DECLARE @SearchText VARCHAR(255)

SET @SearchText = 'david'

FROM dbo.DimEmployee
WHERE FirstName LIKE '%' + @SearchText + '%'

What is an Advanced Search?
Multiple columns are searched. Filter the data depending on the search text in the numerous columns.
Search is used on numerous columns in the example below.

DECLARE @SearchText VARCHAR(255)

SET @SearchText = 'tool'

SELECT EmployeeKey, FirstName, LastName, MiddleName, Title, HireDate, BirthDate, EmailAddress,
Phone, EmergencyContactName, EmergencyContactPhone, DepartmentName, StartDate
FROM dbo.DimEmployee
WHERE (FirstName LIKE '%' + @SearchText + '%'
  OR LastName LIKE '%' + @SearchText + '%'
  OR Title LIKE '%' + @SearchText + '%'
  OR EmailAddress LIKE '%' + @SearchText + '%'
  OR EmergencyContactName LIKE '%' + @SearchText + '%'
  OR DepartmentName LIKE '%' + @SearchText + '%'
  OR HireDate LIKE '%' + @SearchText + '%'
  OR COALESCE(@SearchText,'') = '') SQL Server 2022 Hosting is European Windows Hosting Provider which focuses on Windows Platform only. We deliver on-demand hosting solutions including Shared hosting, Reseller Hosting, Cloud Hosting, Dedicated Servers, and IT as a Service for companies of all sizes.


SQL Server Hosting - HostForLIFE :: Pagination in SQL Server

clock October 10, 2023 09:28 by author Peter

What Exactly Is Pagination?
Pagination is the process of separating big amounts of data into smaller data sets that are displayed on discrete pages. It's commonly utilized in online applications.

How Does MS SQL Server Pagination Work?

We can accomplish pagination capabilities in MS SQL Server by using OFFSET and FETCH clauses with ORDER BY in a SELECT query.

  • OFFSET: The number of rows in the result set that will be skipped. It should be greater than zero.
  • FETCH: The number of rows that will be displayed in the result.

Considerations When Using OFFSET and FETCH

  • ORDER BY is required when using the OFFSET FETCH Clause.
  • FETCH is optional, but OFFSET is required.
  • The TOP clause is incompatible with the SELECT statement using OFFSET FETCH.

Let's look at few examples.
In the following example, OFFSET 0 and FETCH NEXT 5 ROWS indicate that no rows are skipped and the next 5 rows in the dataset are returned, rather than the first 5 rows in the dataset.
SELECT EmployeeKey,FirstName,LastName,Title,EmailAddress,
FROM dbo.DimEmployee WITH(NOLOCK)
ORDER BY EmployeeKey

OFFSET 3 and FETCH NEXT 5 ROWS in the example below indicate skip the first 3 rows and retrieve the next 5 rows in the dataset.

SELECT EmployeeKey,FirstName,LastName,Title,EmailAddress,
FROM dbo.DimEmployee WITH(NOLOCK)
ORDER BY EmployeeKey

Page Number and Rows Of Page

  • PageNumber - Represents the page number
  • RowsOfPage - Represents the no of rows on a page

Now, to calculate the number of rows to be skipped when we move to the next page the (@PageNumber-1) * @RowsOfPage formula is being used in the OFFSET, and the number of rows will be returned in FETCH.

Here, PageNumber is 2 and RowsOfPage is 5, which means return the dataset for page number 2.

       ,@RowsOfPage AS INT

SET @PageNumber=2
SET @RowsOfPage=5

SELECT EmployeeKey,FirstName,LastName,Title,EmailAddress,
FROM dbo.DimEmployee WITH(NOLOCK)
ORDER BY EmployeeKey
OFFSET (@PageNumber-1) * @RowsOfPage ROWS

Page Number and Rows Of Page

  • PageNumber - Represents the page number
  • RowsOfPage - Represents the no of rows on a page

Now, to calculate the number of rows to be skipped when we move to the next page the (@PageNumber-1) * @RowsOfPage formula is being used in the OFFSET, and the number of rows will be returned in FETCH.

Here, PageNumber is 2 and RowsOfPage is 5, which means return the dataset for page number 2.

       ,@RowsOfPage AS INT

SET @PageNumber=2
SET @RowsOfPage=5

SELECT EmployeeKey,FirstName,LastName,Title,EmailAddress,
FROM dbo.DimEmployee WITH(NOLOCK)
ORDER BY EmployeeKey
OFFSET (@PageNumber-1) * @RowsOfPage ROWS
FETCH NEXT @RowsOfPage ROWS ONLY SQL Server 2022 Hosting is European Windows Hosting Provider which focuses on Windows Platform only. We deliver on-demand hosting solutions including Shared hosting, Reseller Hosting, Cloud Hosting, Dedicated Servers, and IT as a Service for companies of all sizes.


SQL Server Hosting - HostForLIFE :: Registered Servers in SQL Server Management Studio

clock October 5, 2023 08:49 by author Peter

What exactly are Registered Servers?
Registered Servers is a feature in SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) that enables database administrators (DBAs) and developers to manage and arrange connections to many SQL Server instances and other database server types in a centralized manner. It's a useful tool for streamlining server administration, running queries across numerous servers, and doing administrative duties quickly.

What exactly are Registered Servers?

  • Registered Servers is a feature in SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) that enables database administrators (DBAs) and developers to manage and arrange connections to many SQL Server instances and other database server types in a centralized manner. It's a useful tool for streamlining server administration, running queries across numerous servers, and doing administrative duties quickly.
  • Grouping and Organization: Registered Servers can be organized into server groups, making it easier to categorize and manage servers based on criteria like development, production, or specific projects.
  • Quick Access to Servers: With Registered Servers, you can quickly connect to a server by selecting it from the list without the need to enter connection details each time you want to connect.
  • Server-Level Configuration: You can set server-level properties and configurations for multiple servers at once, simplifying tasks like changing compatibility levels, managing security settings, or configuring maintenance plans.
Benefits of Registered Servers
  • Time-Saving: One of the primary benefits is time-saving. You can perform actions across multiple servers with a single action, reducing repetitive tasks and increasing efficiency.
  • Organization: Registered Servers provide a structured way to organize and group servers, making it easier to manage large server environments.
  • Consistency: By applying configurations or executing scripts consistently across servers, you can maintain uniformity in your database environment.
  • Ease of Access: It's more convenient to select a registered server from a list than to remember or enter connection details manually.
Limitations of Registered Servers
  • SSMS Dependency: Registered Servers are a feature of SQL Server Management Studio. It's not available in other database management tools or applications. If you switch to a different tool, you may not have access to your registered servers.
  • No Server Monitoring: While you can connect to servers, execute queries, and perform administrative tasks, Registered Servers do not provide real-time server monitoring or alerting capabilities. For monitoring purposes, you'd need to use additional tools like SQL Server Agent or third-party monitoring solutions.
  • Limited to SQL Server: While Registered Servers support various SQL Server versions and editions, they are primarily designed for SQL Server instances. Managing servers of other database platforms may require different tools or extensions.
In SSMS, how do I use Registered Servers?
Right-click on the "Local Server Groups" folder and select "New Server Registration" to add a new server to Registered Servers.

In the "New Server Registration" dialog box, enter the server name, authentication method, and login credentials.
Once the server is added, it will appear in the Registered Servers window, where you can organize and manage your connections.
To run a query against multiple servers, select the servers you want to include and right-click on them. Then, select "New Query" to open a new query window with all the selected servers included.
After running the query, the results will be displayed in a single window, making it easy to compare and analyze the data from multiple servers.

SQL Server Management Studio's Registered Servers functionality is useful for centralizing server management, enhancing organization, and simplifying administrative operations across several database servers. It is especially useful for DBAs and developers that operate in situations with several SQL Server instances.

SQL Server Hosting - HostForLIFE :: CASE, WHEN, THEN and ELSE in SQL Server 2022

clock September 25, 2023 08:37 by author Peter

SQL Server, mySQL, OracleSQL, PostgreSSQL, IBM DB2, Terada, and other relational database systems rely on Structured Query Language (SQL) to manage and manipulate data.  We frequently utilize the CASE statement, along with its siblings WHEN, THEN, and ELSE, to perform conditional operations within SQL queries. In this blog, we will look at how to use these keywords in SQL Server and how versatile they are. Let's get this party started.

The SQL Server CASE statement is a useful tool for applying conditional logic within a query. It enables you to return different values based on the conditions you specify. A CASE statement has the following fundamental structure:

WHEN condition1 THEN result1
WHEN condition2 THEN result2
ELSE elseResult

condition1, condition2, etc.: These are the conditions you want to evaluate.
result1, result2, etc.: The corresponding values or expressions to return if the conditions are met.
elseResult: The value to return if none of the conditions are met (optional).

In this article, we will look at several usage cases of the CASE statement in real-world business situations. For demonstration purposes, we will use the transactions table and retrieve all of the records using the basic SELECT * FROM transactions shown below.

We have the Number of Store column in the transactions table, and we want to use the CASE to return Yes for Number of Stores greater than or equal to 3 and No for less than 3 stores, and we want to give 5% to each customer who operates three or more stores, which will be calculated by the Sales Amount. In the third case, we want to be fair by offering a 5%, 8%, 10%, and 15% incentive to customers who operate one, two, three, or four locations, respectively. For each customer, the percentage bonus will be multiplied by the sales amount. For each customer, the percentage bonus will be multiplied by the sales amount. To deter consumers from owing us, we have a measure in place to penalize any client whose Previous Balance is larger than 0 and who does not have a credit facility arrangement with us. The CustomerID will be extracted from all columns in the Excel table. To accomplish this, the CASE began:

Run the query below.

[Customer Name],
[Previous Balance],
[Credit Facility],
[Sales Amount],
[Number of Store],
WHEN [Number of Store] >= 3 THEN ‘Yes’
END AS [3 or more stores],
WHEN [Number of Store] >= 3 THEN [Sales Amount] * 0.10
END AS Bonus,
WHEN [Number of Store] = 1 THEN [Sales Amount] * 0.05
WHEN [Number of Store] = 2 THEN [Sales Amount] * 0.08
WHEN [Number of Store] = 3 THEN [Sales Amount] * 0.010
WHEN [Number of Store] >= 4 THEN [Sales Amount] * 0.15
END AS [Fair Bonus],
WHEN [Previous Balance] >0 AND [Credit Facility]<>’Yes’ THEN [Previous Balance] * 0.10
END AS Penalty

Click on Execute to run the code

From the screenshot below, for the first scenario, we have Yes for customer with 3 or more stores while No is assigned to customers with less than 3 stores. For the second scenario, we calculated the bonus value for customers operating three or more stores while customers with less than 3 stores received 0. With regards to the third scenario, we gave fair bonus to each of the customers based on the actual number of stores they operate. Finally, customers whose Previous Balance is greater than 0 and who do not have Credit Facility with us received 10% penalty. SQL Server 2022 Hosting is European Windows Hosting Provider which focuses on Windows Platform only. We deliver on-demand hosting solutions including Shared hosting, Reseller Hosting, Cloud Hosting, Dedicated Servers, and IT as a Service for companies of all sizes.



SQL Server Hosting - HostForLIFE :: How to Enforce Fixed-Length Values with Business Rules in MDS?

clock September 21, 2023 09:46 by author Peter

Statement of the Problem
A business rule in Master Data Services is a rule that you employ to ensure the quality and accuracy of your master data.

Is it feasible to create a business rule that ensures a constant length of value within an attribute?
Unfortunately, there is no direct feature/condition/operator to accomplish this request; however, it can be handled by combining various features/conditions/operators.

Navigate to Administrative Tasks on the Master Data Service (MDS) site.
Click on Manage >> Business Rules

Provide the Name and Description for the Business rule and Click on the Add section within Then

Select the Attribute ( one column ) and Operator as Must have a minimum length of
Post that provides the intended length value and Click Add. Finally, Click on Save.

Similarly, Add one with a Maximum length validation rule, which would finally result in the below aspect.

Click on Save to Create the Business Rule.
The Business Rule would be in Activation Pending State.

The length of the value is 5.

Length of value is other than 5
a) Length < 5

b) Length > 5 SQL Server 2019 Hosting is European Windows Hosting Provider which focuses on Windows Platform only. We deliver on-demand hosting solutions including Shared hosting, Reseller Hosting, Cloud Hosting, Dedicated Servers, and IT as a Service for companies of all sizes.


SQL Server Hosting - HostForLIFE :: Setting a Business Constraint for the Uniqueness of a Composite Key in Master Data Services

clock September 18, 2023 08:23 by author Peter

A business rule in Master Data Services is a rule that you employ to ensure the quality and accuracy of your master data.
Is it feasible to create a business rule to verify that the value for a combination of columns (Composite key) is unique?

Navigate to Administrative Tasks on the Master Data Service (MDS) site.

Click on Manage >> Business Rules

Select the Model and Entity within which you need to add the Business Rule. And Click on Add.

Provide the Name and Description for the Business Key and Click on Add section within Then

Select the Attribute ( one column ) and Operator as : Must be Unique in Combination with the following attributes.

Post that select the other Columns which are part of Composite key (other columns that needs to be added as part of uniqueness) and Click Add.

Finally, Click on Save.
Click on Save to Create the Business Rule.

The Business Rule would be in Activation Pending State

To Activate it, Click on Publish All.

Post this, the Business Rule would in Active state:

Composite Key is Unique

Composite Key is Duplicate SQL Server 2019 Hosting is European Windows Hosting Provider which focuses on Windows Platform only. We deliver on-demand hosting solutions including Shared hosting, Reseller Hosting, Cloud Hosting, Dedicated Servers, and IT as a Service for companies of all sizes.


SQL Server Hosting - HostForLIFE :: SQL Server Stored Procedure

clock September 13, 2023 07:18 by author Peter

Overview of Stored Procedures

  • A stored procedure is a collection of one or more pre-compiled SQL statements or SQL code that you write in order to reuse the code.
  • It is kept as an object on the database server. Each procedure has a name, a list of parameters, and T-SQL statements.
  • Triggers, other procedures, and other applications such as Java,.Net, Python, and others can be used to invoke procedures.
  • It supports nearly all relational database systems (SQL Server, Oracle, MYSQL, and so on).
  • When a stored procedure is called for the first time, SQL Server creates an execution plan and stores it in cache memory.

How does the Stored procedure function?
The stored process has two types of parameters, which are as follows.

  • Input parameters are values passed by the user to stored procedures.
  • Output parameters are used to return the value of stored procedures.

It receives input parameters and returns numerous values to the calling process or batch in the form of output parameters.

How does the Stored procedure function?
The stored process has two types of parameters, which are as follows.

  • Input parameters are values passed by the user to stored procedures.
  • Output parameters are used to return the value of stored procedures.

It receives input parameters and returns numerous values to the calling process or batch in the form of output parameters.

The Benefits of Preserved Procedures

  • The stored procedure decreases the amount of network communication between the application and the database server.
  • Reusability decreases code inconsistency and prevents unnecessary code writes.
  • Security- stored procedures are always secure since they give limited access to individuals on a need-to-know basis and control which processes and actions we can execute.
  • SQL injection attacks are avoided.

Advantages and disadvantages of stored procedures

  • Debugging is a little challenging.
  • During testing, any data mistakes in handling errors are not generated until runtime.

Stored Procedure Types

  • Stored Procedures Defined by the User
  • System Stored Procedures (SSPs)

Let's make an Employee table and look at some instances of how to write user-defined stored procedures:

EMPAddress VARCHAR (Max),

--Inserting multiple records in one table.

INSERT INTO Employee (EMPID, EMPName, EMPAddress, EMPAge, EMPSalary)
VALUES (101, 'Peter', 'London', 28, 65000),
(102, 'Scott', 'Manchester', 32, 55000),
(103, 'Laura', 'Leeds', 42, 95000),
(104, 'Remy', 'Liverpool', 30, 35000)

Now check the table by running a select query.
SELECT * FROM Employee;

Now let’s create a Simple Stored Procedure.

Example 1. (Simple Stored Procedure for Select operation without any parameter).

CREATE OR ALTER PROC usp_EmployeeRecords
    SELECT * FROM Employee

Stored procedure usp_EmployeeRecords was created, as you can see in the above screenshot. Now let’s execute the same procedure.
EXECUTE usp_EmployeeRecords;

After executing the procedure, we can see all the employee records are there in the results.

Example 2. (Stored Procedure with input parameter to insert record).

Now let’s create a stored procedure that accepts input parameters insert new records into the employee table, and shows all the records of the employee table.
CREATE OR ALTER PROC usp_InsertEmployeeRecords
@EMPName VARCHAR (50),
@EMPAddress VARCHAR (Max),
@EMPSalary INT
    INSERT INTO Employee VALUES (@EMPID, @EMPName, @EMPAddress, @EMPAge, @EMPSalary)
    SELECT * FROM Employee  --Checking if all the records inserted in Employee table or not.

As you can see in the above screenshot, the stored procedure usp_InsertEmployeeRecords is created. Now let’s execute the same procedure by passing parameter values.
EXECUTE usp_InsertEmployeeRecords 105, 'Maria', 'Leicester', 38, 70000

After executing the procedure, we can see a new record inserted in the employee table.

Example 3. (Stored Procedure with input parameter to update record).
Now let’s create a stored procedure that updates the records in the table.

CREATE OR ALTER PROC usp_UpdateEmployeeRecords
@EMPAddress VARCHAR (Max),
@EMPSalary INT
    UPDATE Employee
    SET EMPAddress = @EMPAddress, EMPSalary = @EMPSalary
    SELECT * FROM Employee WHERE EMPID = @EMPID    --Giving where condition along with select clause to retrieve only updated records

As you can see in the above screen shot, the Stored procedure usp_UpdateEmployeeRecords was created. Now let’s execute the same procedure by passing parameter values.
EXECUTE usp_UpdateEmployeeRecords 105, 'Leicester', 75000

After executing the procedure, we can see the record is updated for EMPID “105” in the employee table.

Example 4. (Stored Procedure with input parameter to delete a record).
Now let’s create a stored procedure that deletes records from the table by passing only one parameter.

CREATE OR ALTER PROC usp_DeleteEmployeeRecords
    SELECT * FROM Employee

Stored procedure usp_DeleteEmployeeRecords was created, as you can see in the above screenshot. Now let’s execute the same procedure by passing parameter values.
EXECUTE usp_DeleteEmployeeRecords 105  -- we pass the EMPID here to delete particular record

Execute deleted records
After executing the procedure, we can see the record is deleted for EMPID “105” in the employee table.

Example 5. (Stored Procedure with input and output parameters).
In programming, we create a function to return the value the same way we create a stored procedure to return the value. Now let’s create a Stored procedure that returns the salary of the employee whose EMPName will be passed to that stored proc.

CREATE OR ALTER PROC usp_SearchEmployeeSalary
@EMPName VARCHAR (50),
    SELECT @EMPSalary = EMPSalary FROM Employee WHERE EMPName = @EMPName

Stored procedure usp_SearchEmployeeSalary was created, as you can see in the above screenshot. Now let’s execute the same procedure that returns the salary of the employee whose EMPName will be passed to that stored proc.
EXECUTE usp_SearchEmployeeSalary 'Laura', @Result OUTPUT
SELECT @Result AS EmployeeSalary

After executing the procedure, it retrieves the employee's salary whose EMPName passed to the procedure.

Example 6. (Stored Procedure with input and output parameters).
Let’s create a procedure to count how many employees are in the table whose salary is greater than or equal to 50,000.

CREATE OR ALTER PROC usp_TotalEmployeeCount
@TotalCount INT OUTPUT
    SELECT @TotalCount = count(EMPID) FROM Employee WHERE EMPSalary >= 50000

After executing the procedure, it retrieves the employee's salary whose EMPName passed to the procedure.

Example 6. (Stored Procedure with input and output parameters).
Let’s create a procedure to count how many employees are in the table whose salary is greater than or equal to 50,000.
CREATE OR ALTER PROC usp_TotalEmployeeCount
@TotalCount INT OUTPUT
    SELECT @TotalCount = count(EMPID) FROM Employee WHERE EMPSalary >= 50000

Stored procedure usp_TotalEmployeeCount was created, as you can see in the above screenshot. Now let’s execute the same procedure that counts how many employees are there in the table whose salary is greater than or equal to 50000.
EXECUTE usp_TotalEmployeeCount @Result OUTPUT
Select @Result AS TotalEmpCount

After executing the procedure, it gives the count of how many employees are there in the table whose salary is greater than or equal to 50,000.

In this article, we have learned about the stored procedure, its advantages, disadvantages, types, etc. We have also gone through the examples of how to create stored procedures with and without parameters. Hope you liked it. Please share your feedback and suggestions in the comments section. SQL Server 2019 Hosting is European Windows Hosting Provider which focuses on Windows Platform only. We deliver on-demand hosting solutions including Shared hosting, Reseller Hosting, Cloud Hosting, Dedicated Servers, and IT as a Service for companies of all sizes.

SQL Server Hosting - HostForLIFE :: The Advantages of the SQL SHA Algorithm

clock September 7, 2023 07:37 by author Peter

The Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA) is a group of cryptographic hash algorithms that generate a fixed-size hash value from input data. SQL Server includes operations for dealing with cryptographic hashes, such as the SHA algorithm. The SHA algorithms can be used in SQL Server in the following ways.

The HASHBYTES function in SQL Server allows you to compute a SHA-1 hash value for a specified input string. Here's an illustration.

DECLARE @InputString NVARCHAR(100) = 'Hello, world!';
SET @HashValue = HASHBYTES('SHA1', @InputString);
SELECT @HashValue AS SHA1Hash;


SQL Server also supports the SHA-256 hash algorithm using the HASHBYTES function. SHA-256 produces a 256-bit hash value.
DECLARE @InputString NVARCHAR(100) = 'Hello, world!';
SET @HashValue = HASHBYTES('SHA2_256', @InputString);
SELECT @HashValue AS SHA256Hash;

SQL Server also supports the SHA-512 hash algorithm, which generates a 512-bit hash value.
DECLARE @InputString NVARCHAR(100) = 'Hello, world!';
SET @HashValue = HASHBYTES('SHA2_512', @InputString);
SELECT @HashValue AS SHA512Hash;

Please note that the HASHBYTES function returns the hash value as a VARBINARY type. If you want to display the hash value as a string, you can use the CONVERT function to convert it to a hexadecimal representation.
SELECT CONVERT(NVARCHAR(MAX), @HashValue, 2) AS HexadecimalHash;

Keep in mind that SHA-1 is considered weak and insecure for many cryptographic purposes due to vulnerabilities discovered over time. SHA-256 and SHA-512 are currently more secure options.

When to use SHA hashes?

Storing passwords: Never store plain text passwords. Instead, store a SHA2 hash which cannot be reversed. When a user logs in, hash their entered password and compare it to the stored hash. Data integrity: Compute a SHA hash of a data set and store it. To verify data has not changed, recompute the hash and compare it to the stored value. Changed data will result in a mismatched hash.
Generate unique values: The unique SHA hash can be used to generate unique IDs, encryption keys, etc.
Verify file downloads: The host can provide a SHA hash of the file for the client to verify the downloaded file contents match the expected hash.

How to use SHA in SQL Server?
Use the HASHBYTES() function to generate a SHA hash in T-SQL code.
HASHBYTES('SHA2_512', 'SomeStringData')
The ALGORITHM parameter takes 'SHA1' 'SHA2_256' or 'SHA2_512'.
To hash passwords, use a salt value to protect against rainbow table attacks. Concatenate with a random unique salt before hashing.
DECLARE @Salt varchar(20) = 'RandomSaltString'

SELECT HASHBYTES('SHA2_512', 'MyPassword' + @Salt)

When checking hashes for data integrity, store the expected hash value alongside the data. Recompute the hash periodically and compare.

Benefits of Using SHA Hashing

  • One-way hash allows securely storing sensitive data like passwords.
  • A small change in input drastically changes the output hash, allowing the detection of altered/corrupted data.
  • Hashing data into fixed-length output allows for easier comparisons and indexing.
  • SHA is optimized for speed and designed to be cryptographically secure.

SQL Server's SHA hash functions are most useful for securely storing sensitive data, validating data integrity, and generating unique fingerprint values of data. SQL Server 2019 Hosting is European Windows Hosting Provider which focuses on Windows Platform only. We deliver on-demand hosting solutions including Shared hosting, Reseller Hosting, Cloud Hosting, Dedicated Servers, and IT as a Service for companies of all sizes.

About is European Windows Hosting Provider which focuses on Windows Platform only. We deliver on-demand hosting solutions including Shared hosting, Reseller Hosting, Cloud Hosting, Dedicated Servers, and IT as a Service for companies of all sizes.

We have offered the latest Windows 2016 Hosting, ASP.NET Core 2.2.1 Hosting, ASP.NET MVC 6 Hosting and SQL 2017 Hosting.

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