European Windows 2012 Hosting BLOG

BLOG about Windows 2012 Hosting and SQL 2012 Hosting - Dedicated to European Windows Hosting Customer

Node.js Hosting Netherlands - :: Stream a Large File using Node.js

clock February 12, 2015 05:46 by author Peter

Node.js is an open source, cross-platform runtime environment for server-side and networking applications. Node.js applications are written in JavaScript, and might be run within the Node.js runtime on OS X, Microsoft Windows, Linux and FreeBSD. Node.js provides an event-driven architecture and a non-blocking I/O API that optimizes an application's outturn and measurability. These technologies are normally used for real-time applications.

Node.js uses the Google V8 JavaScript engine to execute code, and an oversized percentage of the fundamental modules are written in JavaScript. Node.js contains a intrinsic  library to permit applications to act as an internet server while not software like Apache HTTP Server or IIS.
var http = require('http');
var fs = require('fs');
http.createServer(function(req, res) {
    var newFile = fs.createWriteStream("x.wmv");
    var fileBytes = req.headers['content-length'];
    var uploadedBytes = 0;
    req.on('data', function(chunk) {
        uploadedBytes += chunk.length;
        var progress = (uploadedBytes / fileBytes) * 100;
        res.write("progress:" + parseInt(progress, 10) + "\n");
}).listen(8888); Node.js Hosting is European Windows Hosting Provider which focuses on Windows Platform only. We deliver on-demand hosting solutions including Shared hosting, Reseller Hosting, Cloud Hosting, Dedicated Servers, and IT as a Service for companies of all sizes. We have customers from around the globe, spread across every continent. We serve the hosting needs of the business and professional, government and nonprofit, entertainment and personal use market segments.

SQL Server 2014 Hosting - :: Encryption with SQL Server: HASHBYTES Function

clock February 10, 2015 08:37 by author Peter

Not all cipher texts area unit needed to be regenerate back to plain texts. ideal is "passwords". All we want with non reversible encryption is, store them in encrypted format and perform comparison once needed. What's the most effective method of implementing this with MSSQL 2014?

SQL Server provides variety of functions that may be used for encrypting plain texts using totally different mechanisms. Most of the functions enable you to write and so rewrite them back to plain text. Examples for these functions are "ENCRYPTBYKEY" and "ENCRYPTBYCERT". If decryption isn't needed or the requirment is non reversible encryption, then the most effective function to be used is "HASHBYTES".

HASHBYTES returns the hash of given clear text supported the algorithm used. Algorithms supported are: MD2, MD4, and MD5 (128 bits (16 bytes)); SHA and SHA1 (160 bits (20 bytes)); SHA2_256 (256 bits (32 bytes)), and SHA2_512 (512 bits (64 bytes)). SHA2_256 and SHA2_512 available only with SQL Server 2012 and higher than.

Though we've been given several algorithms for this, most of them are vulnerable for many attacks and not thought-about as secured cryptography algorithm. Some of them a number of identified to "collisions" that generate same output for various inputs. If you're using a version before 2012, best is SHA1 even though it's been marked for "collisions". If the version of SQL Server is 2012 or higher than, best is either SHA2_256 or SHA2_512.

Here could be a sample code that shows the usage of HASHBYTES;
-- Creating table
IF OBJECT_ID('dbo.UserCredential', 'U') IS NOT NULL
 DROP TABLE dbo.UserCredential
CREATE TABLE dbo.UserCredential
 UserId int identity(1,1) PRIMARY KEY
 , UserName varchar(20) NOT NULL
 , Password binary(64) NOT NULL
-- Inserting records
INSERT INTO dbo.UserCredential
 (UserName, Password)
 ('Peter', HASHBYTES('SHA2_512', 'Pa$$w0rd'))
 , ('Scott', HASHBYTES('SHA2_512', 'P@$$w0rD'))
-- Checking records inserted
SELECT * FROM dbo.UserCredential;

Since the cipher text cannot be reverted back with HASHBYTES, here is the way of doing the comparison.
-- Validating user
IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM dbo.UserCredential
   WHERE UserName = 'Peter'
    AND Password = HASHBYTES('SHA2_512', 'P@$$w0rD'))
 Print 'User authenticated'
 Print 'Invalid user!' SQL Server 2014 Hosting is European Windows Hosting Provider which focuses on Windows Platform only. We deliver on-demand hosting solutions including Shared hosting, Reseller Hosting, Cloud Hosting, Dedicated Servers, and IT as a Service for companies of all sizes. We have customers from around the globe, spread across every continent. We serve the hosting needs of the business and professional, government and nonprofit, entertainment and personal use market segments.

SQL Server 2014 Hosting Italy - :: How to Split & Convert Comma Separated String in SQL Server 2014?

clock February 5, 2015 05:49 by author Peter

In this post, I will explain you about Split and convert Comma Separated String. In this article I will explain with example code, how to split and convert a comma separated / delimited string to a table using Split function in SQL Server 2005, 2008, 2012 and MSSQL 2014 versions. The string containing words or letters or numbers separated (delimited) by comma or underscore or  plus(+) ,etc,. are going to be split into Table values.

I will conjointly explain a way to use the Split function to separate a string in an exceedingly SQL query or stored Procedures in SQL Server 2005, 2008 and 2012 versions. And here is the code that I used:
CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[SplitString] (@InputString NVARCHAR(MAX),@delimiter CHAR(1))
  DECLARE @StartIndex int,
          @NextIndex int,
          @ItemLen int
    @StartIndex = 0,
    @NextIndex = 1
  WHILE @NextIndex > 0
      @NextIndex = CHARINDEX(@delimiter, @InputString, @StartIndex + 1)
      @ItemLen =
                  WHEN @NextIndex > 0 THEN @NextIndex
                  ELSE LEN(@InputString) + 1
                END - @StartIndex – 1
    INSERT @tbl (Item)
      VALUES (CONVERT(varchar(50), SUBSTRING(@InputString, @StartIndex + 1, @ItemLen)))
      @StartIndex = @NextIndex

Now, this is the example 1:

SELECT * FROM [SplitString]('Apple-Dell-HP-Lenovo-Sony','-')

Now, write the example 2:
SELECT * FROM [SplitString]('Apple,Dell,HP,Lenovo,Sony',',')
Here is the output from the code above:

Example code 3:
SELECT * FROM [SplitString]('1,2,3,4,5')

The output of the above code snippet is shown on the following picture: SQL Server 2014 Hosting is European Windows Hosting Provider which focuses on Windows Platform only. We deliver on-demand hosting solutions including Shared hosting, Reseller Hosting, Cloud Hosting, Dedicated Servers, and IT as a Service for companies of all sizes. We have customers from around the globe, spread across every continent. We serve the hosting needs of the business and professional, government and nonprofit, entertainment and personal use market segments.

SQL Server 2014 Hosting Italy - :: How to Apply IDENTITY Column with SQL Server Memory Optimized Table?

clock February 3, 2015 06:33 by author Peter

In this article, I want to explain you about How to Apply IDENTITY Column with SQL Server Memory Optimized Table. Memory Optimized tables were introduced in SQL Server 2014. As we know, memory optimized tables don't support an IDENTITY column. thus however will we produce an INDENTITY (auto incremented) column with a memory optimized table?

And here is the example code:
        Name VARCHAR(50) not null

And this is the result:
Msg 10771, Level 16, State 7, Line 2
The feature ‘identity column’ is not yet implemented with memory optimized tables.

The workaround of an IDENTITY value is to use a SEQUENCE object. A SEQUENCE object (introduced with SQL Server 2012) works equally to an IDENTITY value with massive scope to the IDENTITY. The SEQUENCE object isn't restricted to a column or table however it's scoped to a whole information. one among the benefits of a SEQUENCE object is, it is controlled by application code additionally. This SEQUENCE is shared with multiple tables.

Apply IDENTITY Column with SQL Server Memory Optimized Table
To apply an IDENTITY column in a memory optimized table, you must use a SEQUENCE object. The following are the steps to use a SEQUENCE object as an IDENTITY column with a memory optimized table.

Step 1
Create a memory optimized table and a SEQUENCE object.
--Create memory optimized table
         Name VARCHAR(50) not null
--Create SEQUENCE object
CREATE SEQUENCE [dbo].[TableNextId]
AS [int]
             START WITH 1000
              INCREMENT BY 1
              MINVALUE  1
              MAXVALUE 10000

Step 2
Use a SEQUENCE object to get following Id using the “NEXT value FOR” operate. SQL Server writes a replacement value within the value in the SEQUENCE to the system table whenever the next value FOR function is called. thus we will catch on filled like an IDENTITY column.
DECLARE @nextId INTEGER = NEXT VALUE FOR [dbo].[TableNextId]]
INSERT INTO IdentityTest VALUES (@nextId, 'my Test')

A memory optimized table doesn't support an IDENTITY (auto incremented) column. however using a SEQUENCE object, we will get an auto incremented value for a numeric data type column. SQL Server 2014 Hosting is European Windows Hosting Provider which focuses on Windows Platform only. We deliver on-demand hosting solutions including Shared hosting, Reseller Hosting, Cloud Hosting, Dedicated Servers, and IT as a Service for companies of all sizes. We have customers from around the globe, spread across every continent. We serve the hosting needs of the business and professional, government and nonprofit, entertainment and personal use market segments.

SQL Server 2014 Hosting Belgium - :: How to Calculate Total Rows Inserted per Second ?

clock January 29, 2015 06:31 by author Peter

In this tutorial, I will write an article about How to Calculate Total Rows Inserted per Second in SQL Server 2014. Ever expected to compute the quantity of columns embedded consistently, for each table in every database on a server? Alternately, have you ever expected to approve that all methods have quit keeping in touch with tables? These sorts of inquiries come up routinely for me. To help with this, I've composed the following script, which inspects metadata qualities utilizing sys.partitions. This system isn't as precise as running SELECT COUNT(*) FROM, however its much quicker.

Remember, since it’s just looking at row counts, its very little help on tables that have a considerable measure of update/delete  action. Yet it does what I need it to do, and I utilize it pretty frequently, so I thought I'd experience case any other individual can advantage from it as well.

/* Declare Parameters */
DECLARE @newBaseline BIT = 1 -- change to 0 when you don't want to replace the baseline, i.e. after initial run
  , @delay CHAR(8) = '00:00:30'; -- change as needed 
IF @newBaseline = 1
    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#baseline') IS NOT NULL
        DROP TABLE #baseline; 
    CREATE TABLE #baseline
         database_name  SYSNAME
       , table_name     SYSNAME
       , table_rows     BIGINT
       , captureTime    DATETIME NULL

IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#current') IS NOT NULL
    DROP TABLE #current;
 CREATE TABLE #current
     database_name  SYSNAME
   , table_name     SYSNAME
   , table_rows     BIGINT
   , captureTime    DATETIME NULL
IF @newBaseline = 1
    EXECUTE sp_MSforeachdb 'USE ?;
        INSERT INTO #baseline
        SELECT DB_NAME()
            , As [tableName]
            , SUM(p.[rows]) As [rowCnt]
            , GETDATE() As [captureTime]
        FROM sys.indexes As i
        JOIN sys.partitions As p
            ON i.[object_id] = p.[object_id]
           AND i.index_id  = p.index_id
        JOIN sys.objects As o
            ON i.[object_id] = o.[object_id]
        WHERE i.[type] = 1
        GROUP BY;' 
    WAITFOR DELAY @delay;
 EXECUTE sp_MSforeachdb 'USE ?;
INSERT INTO #current
    , As [tableName]
    , SUM(p.[rows]) As [rowCnt]
    , GETDATE() As [captureTime]
FROM sys.indexes As i
JOIN sys.partitions As p
    ON i.[object_id] = p.[object_id]
   AND i.index_id  = p.index_id
JOIN sys.objects As o
    ON i.[object_id] = o.[object_id]
WHERE i.[type] = 1
      , c.table_rows - b.table_rows AS 'new_rows'
      , DATEDIFF(second, b.captureTime, c.captureTime) AS 'time_diff'
      , (c.table_rows - b.table_rows) / DATEDIFF(second, b.captureTime, c.captureTime) AS 'rows_per_sec'
FROM #baseline AS b
JOIN #current AS c
    ON b.table_name = c.table_name
   AND b.database_name = c.database_name
ORDER BY new_rows DESC; SQL Server 2014 Hosting is European Windows Hosting Provider which focuses on Windows Platform only. We deliver on-demand hosting solutions including Shared hosting, Reseller Hosting, Cloud Hosting, Dedicated Servers, and IT as a Service for companies of all sizes. We have customers from around the globe, spread across every continent. We serve the hosting needs of the business and professional, government and nonprofit, entertainment and personal use market segments.

Visual Studio 2015 Hosting Netherlands - How to Use TreeView Control in VB.NET ?

clock January 27, 2015 05:39 by author Peter

The Windows Forms Tree view in VB.NET control helps to show the hierarchy of nodes that may be wont to represent the organization structure, file system or the other system which incorporates hierarchical illustration. For each node additional within the hierarchy, user will add a child node to it or a sibling node to it provided there's a parent node for the chosen node present.

The article below explores the Tree read management and depicts the method as a way to add a toddler node or a relative node to the chosen node.

1. How to add a toddler node to a particular node
Create a tree node object and so add it to the chosen node within the management.
Below is that the code to try to to that:
Dim tnode As New TreeNode(textBox1.Text)
If treeView1.SelectedNode.Nodes.Count > 1 And treeView1.SelectedNode.ForeColor <> Color.Blue Then
treeView1.SelectedNode.ForeColor = Color.Brown
End If

2. How to add a sibling to a selected node
To add a sibling to a specific node (provided it's a parent node)
Below code implements this concept:
Dim tnode As New TreeNode(textBox1.Text)
tnode.ForeColor = Color.Brown

3. Delete a particular selected node
Use the remove methodology to delete the chosen node.

4. Use of context Menu

All the on top of 3 cases are often performed via use of context menu also.

Thus a user can use this control for displaying the hierarchical structures. Visual Studio 2015 Hosting is European Windows Hosting Provider which focuses on Windows Platform only. We deliver on-demand hosting solutions including Shared hosting, Reseller Hosting, Cloud Hosting, Dedicated Servers, and IT as a Service for companies of all sizes. We have customers from around the globe, spread across every continent. We serve the hosting needs of the business and professional, government and nonprofit, entertainment and personal use market segments. Proudly Launches Sitefinity 7.3 Hosting

clock January 26, 2015 10:08 by author Peter, a leading web hosting provider, has leveraged its gold partner status with Microsoft to launch its latest Sitefinity 7.3 Hosting support.

European Recommended Windows and ASP.NET Spotlight Hosting Partner in Europe,, has announced the availability of new hosting plans that are optimized for the latest update of the Sitefinity 7.3 hosting technology. supports Sitefinity 7.3 hosting on our latest Windows Server and this service is available to all our new and existing customers. Sitefinity 7.3 offers a natural extension to all customer SharePoint workflows and wrap a compelling presentation around client core business documents. Contextual task-oriented approach to organizing documentation on any topic. hosts its servers in top class data centers that is located in Amsterdam, London, Paris and Seattle (US) to guarantee 99.9% network uptime. All data center feature redundancies in network connectivity, power, HVAC, security, and fire suppression. All hosting plans from include 24×7 support and 30 days money back guarantee. All hosting plans from include 24×7 support and 30 days money back guarantee. The customer can start hosting our Sitefinity 7.3  site on our environment from as just low €3.00/month only.

Sitefinity 7.3 is a Web Content and Experience Management Platform that enables business to engage, convert and retain customers through multiple channels. Sitefinity 7.3 is the only truly mobile web content management on the market that supports all three mobile strategies out of the box – responsive design, mobile apps and mobile sites.

Sitefinity 7.3’s intuitive user interface delights both developers and business users alike, making it a more efficient environment to get more work done faster. There’s no long training required, so even new non-technical users will be up and running in no time. Because it’s built on a modern code-base, Sitefinity is best equipped to meet the long term needs of today’s expanding businesses, including tackling challenges like mobile, ecommerce, multisite management, content personalization, and so much more. is a popular online Windows based hosting service provider catering to those people who face such issues. The company has managed to build a strong client base in a very short period of time. It is known for offering ultra-fast, fully-managed and secured services in the competitive market. Our powerful servers are specially optimized and ensure Sitefinity 7.3 performance.

For more information about this new product, please visit

About : is awarded Top No#1 SPOTLIGHT Recommended Hosting Partner by Microsoft (see Our service is ranked the highest top #1 spot in several European countries, such as: Germany, Italy, Netherlands, France, Belgium, United Kingdom, Sweden, Finland, Switzerland and other European countries. Besides this award, we have also won several awards from reputable organizations in the hosting industry and the detail can be found on our official website.

SQL Server 2014 Hosting Belgium - :: Backup Verification Script on SQL Server

clock January 22, 2015 05:22 by author Peter

In this post, I will explain you about a script to verification on SQL Server 2014. There are situations wherever you have got to verify the multiple SQL Server instances backup within limited timeframe whether or not it meet your organization backup criteria standards or not.

You can execute below T-SQL script to see the backup status as per your organization normal by assignment backup conditions value to backup criteria variable. You'll execute below script either by connecting every SQL Server Instance or execute it by registering all the SQL Server Instances in Central Management Server (CMS).

Below T-SQL Script work with all the versions of MSSQL Server and verify FULL, Differential and transaction Log Backup. It'll check the max backup date and appraise result based on condition as backup is Passed or Not.

And this is the Backup Verification Script and it will return below values:

  • SQLInstanceName
  • DatabaseName
  • db_create_ddate
  • DB_Recovery_Model
  • dbstatus
  • windowsservername
  • productversion
  • productlevel
  • edition
  • current_datetime
  • last_full_backup_date
  • last_diff_backup_date
  • last_tran_backup_date
  • days_since_last_full_backup
  • days_since_last_diff_backup
  • hours_since_last_tranlog_backup
  • Full_Backup_Stauts
  • Diff_Backup_Stauts
  • Log_Backup_Stauts
  • full_backup_location
  • diff_backup_location
  • tlog_backup_location

You have to specify the backup condition based on your organization standard by assigning values to below variables.
declare @full_backup_criteria_in_days int
declare @diff_backup_criteria_in_days int
declare @log_backup_criteria_in_hours int
 -- specify the backup criteria
set @full_backup_criteria_in_days = 7 -- 7 day older Full Backup is Pass
set @diff_backup_criteria_in_days = 1 -- 1 day older Diff Backup is Pass
set @log_backup_criteria_in_hours = 2 -- 2 hours older Log Backup is Pass

This is the complete script that I used:
declare @full_backup_criteria_in_days int
declare @diff_backup_criteria_in_days int
declare @log_backup_criteria_in_hours int
-- specify the backup criteria
set @full_backup_criteria_in_days = 7 -- 7 day older Full Backup is Pass
set @diff_backup_criteria_in_days = 1 -- 1 day older Diff Backup is Pass
set @log_backup_criteria_in_hours = 2 -- 2 hours older Log Backup is Pass
           serverproperty('servername') as SQLInstanceName,
           quotename(bkup_full.[database_name]) as DatabaseName,
            ( select    sdb.crdate
              from      [master]..[sysdatabases] sdb
              where = bkup_full.[database_name]
            ) as [db_create_ddate],         
           databasepropertyex(bkup_full.[database_name],'recovery')  as DB_Recovery_Model,
           databasepropertyex(bkup_full.[database_name],'status')  as dbstatus,     
           case serverproperty('isclustered')
                        when 1 then cast(serverproperty('computernamephysicalnetbios') as varchar)
                        when 0 then cast(serverproperty('machinename') as varchar)
           end as windowsservername,
           serverproperty('productversion') as productversion,
           serverproperty('productlevel') as productlevel,
           serverproperty('edition') as edition,
            current_timestamp as current_datetime,           
           bkup_full.[backup_finish_date] as [last_full_backup_date],         
           bkup_diff.[backup_finish_date] as [last_diff_backup_date] ,
           bkup_log.[backup_finish_date] as [last_tran_backup_date] ,
           datediff(dd, bkup_full.[backup_finish_date], current_timestamp) as [days_since_last_full_backup] ,
           datediff(dd, bkup_diff.[backup_finish_date], current_timestamp) as [days_since_last_diff_backup] ,
           datediff(hh, bkup_log.[backup_finish_date], current_timestamp) as [hours_since_last_tranlog_backup] ,            
                        when datediff(dd, bkup_full.[backup_finish_date], current_timestamp) <= @full_backup_criteria_in_days
                        then 'Pass'
                        else 'Fail'
                        end as Full_Backup_Stauts,            
                        when datediff(dd, bkup_diff.[backup_finish_date], current_timestamp) <= @diff_backup_criteria_in_days  then 'Pass'
                        else case when quotename(bkup_full.[database_name]) IN ('[master]') then 'N/A' else 'Fail' end                      
                        end as Diff_Backup_Stauts,
                        when datediff(hh, bkup_log.[backup_finish_date], current_timestamp) <= @log_backup_criteria_in_hours  then 'Pass'
                        else case when databasepropertyex(bkup_full.[database_name],'recovery') = 'SIMPLE' then 'N/A' else 'Fail' end                      
            end as Log_Backup_Stauts,          
             ( select top 1 [physical_device_name]
              from      [msdb]..[backupmediafamily] bkup_media_family
              where     bkup_media_family.[media_set_id] = bkup_full.[media_set_id]
            ) as [full_backup_location] ,
            ( select top 1  [physical_device_name]
              from      [msdb]..[backupmediafamily] bkup_media_family
              where     bkup_media_family.[media_set_id] = bkup_diff.[media_set_id]
            ) as [diff_backup_location] ,
            ( select top 1  [physical_device_name]
              from      [msdb]..[backupmediafamily] bkup_media_family
              where     bkup_media_family.[media_set_id] = bkup_log.[media_set_id]
            ) as [tlog_backup_location]                                       
    from    [msdb]..[backupset] as bkup_full
            left join [msdb]..[backupset] as bkup_log on bkup_log.[database_name] = bkup_full.[database_name]
               and bkup_log.[server_name] = bkup_full.[server_name]
               and bkup_log.[type] = N'L'
               and bkup_log.[backup_finish_date] = ( (select  max([backup_finish_date])
               from    [msdb]..[backupset] b2  where   b2.[database_name] = bkup_full.[database_name]                                                                                                    and b2.[server_name] = bkup_full.[server_name]                                                                                                    and b2.[type] = N'L') )
            left join [msdb]..[backupset] as bkup_diff on bkup_diff.[database_name] = bkup_full.[database_name]
               and bkup_diff.[server_name] = bkup_full.[server_name]                                                     
               and bkup_diff.[type] = N'I'
               and bkup_diff.[backup_finish_date] = ( (select max([backup_finish_date])
                 from    [msdb]..[backupset] b2
                 where   b2.[database_name] = bkup_full.[database_name]
                 and b2.[server_name] = bkup_full.[server_name]
                 and b2.[type] = N'I') )
                 where   bkup_full.[type] = N'D'
                and bkup_full.[backup_finish_date] = ( (select  max([backup_finish_date])
                       from   [msdb]..[backupset] b2
                       where  b2.[database_name] = bkup_full.[database_name]
                       and b2.[server_name] = bkup_full.[server_name]
                                                        and b2.[type] = N'D') )
            and exists ( select [name]
                         from   [master]..[sysdatabases]
                         where  [name] = bkup_full.[database_name] )
            and bkup_full.[database_name] <> N'tempdb' SQL Server 2014 Hosting is European Windows Hosting Provider which focuses on Windows Platform only. We deliver on-demand hosting solutions including Shared hosting, Reseller Hosting, Cloud Hosting, Dedicated Servers, and IT as a Service for companies of all sizes. We have customers from around the globe, spread across every continent. We serve the hosting needs of the business and professional, government and nonprofit, entertainment and personal use market segments.

SQL Server 2014 Hosting Germany - :: How to List All Tables of a Linked Server's Database ?

clock January 20, 2015 05:04 by author Peter

There are numerous situations in the DBMSs  world where you may need to utilize a connected server between two diverse SQL Server 2014 cases with a specific end goal to execute immediate queries between them. In any case, the majority of T-SQL auto-complete tools experience issues to rundown the items (i.e. tables) of the connected server's database.

An approach to see these items, is to browse via SSMS's Object Explorer. Shouldn't we think about however in the event that you need to have a quick view of all the accessible tables in the connected server's database while composing your T-SQL script?

The answer is simple! You can do this by utilizing the Information Schema Views. Underneath you will discover a pstored procedure that I made which can help you to list  all the tables of linked server's database. And here is the code:
-- Sample Code for Blog Post: Listing all Tables of a Linked Server's Database
-- Disclaimer: This is a sample code. Do not use it in Production Systems before properly
-- Testing it. You bear sole responsibility for usage of any content of this T-SQL code.
-- You are responsible for any loss of data, loss of peace or any damages due to usage of this code. Always take backup of your data.
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[DBTableInfo] (@LinkedServerName varchar(50), @DBName varchar(50))
--variables declaration
DECLARE @LinkedServerNameFiltered VARCHAR(50)
DECLARE @LinkedServerNameFound int
DECLARE @DBsFound int
DECLARE @DBNameFiltered varchar(50)
DECLARE @Command nvarchar(500)
--check if specified linked server exists
SET @LinkedServerNameFiltered=QUOTENAME(@LinkedServerName);
SET @LinkedServerNameFound=0;
SET @LinkedServerNameFound=(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM sys.servers s WHERE;
--report findings
IF @LinkedServerNameFound=0
PRINT 'Error: Linked server ' + @LinkedServerNameFiltered+ ' not found.';
--check if specified database exists
DECLARE @QUERY nvarchar(250);
SET @DBNameFiltered = QUOTENAME(@DBName,'''');
SET @DBsFound=0;
SET @QUERY='(SELECT @DBs=COUNT(*) FROM ' + @LinkedServerNameFiltered +'.[master].sys.sysdatabases s WHERE'+@DBNameFiltered+')';
EXEC sp_executesql @QUERY, N'@DBs int OUTPUT', @DBs=@DBsFound OUTPUT;
--report findings
IF @DBsFound=0
PRINT 'Error: Database ' + @DBNameFiltered + ' not found.';
--construct dynamic T-SQL statement
SET @DBNameFiltered = QUOTENAME(@DBName);
SET @LinkedServerNameFiltered=QUOTENAME(@LinkedServerName);
SET @Command= 'SELECT TABLE_SCHEMA as TableSchema, TABLE_NAME as TableName,(''SELECT TOP 10 * FROM '+ @LinkedServerNameFiltered +'.'+ @DBNameFiltered +'.'' + QUOTENAME(TABLE_SCHEMA) + ''.'' + QUOTENAME(TABLE_NAME)) as SampleQuery
FROM ' + @LinkedServerNameFiltered+'.' + @DBNameFiltered+'.INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES i WHERE i.TABLE_TYPE LIKE ''%TABLE%'' ORDER BY 1';
--execute the command
EXEC sp_executesql @command;

You can call the stored procedure as follows:

The stored procedure shows three columns for each each record:(i) Table Schema, (ii) Table Name, (iii) A sample question that can be executed and gives back where the top 10 rows for the specific table.. And here is the output: SQL Server 2014 Hosting is European Windows Hosting Provider which focuses on Windows Platform only. We deliver on-demand hosting solutions including Shared hosting, Reseller Hosting, Cloud Hosting, Dedicated Servers, and IT as a Service for companies of all sizes. We have customers from around the globe, spread across every continent. We serve the hosting needs of the business and professional, government and nonprofit, entertainment and personal use market segments.

Node.js Hosting UK - :: Creating HTTPS Server With Node.js

clock January 15, 2015 07:04 by author Peter

HTTP server was ok for us to try and do numerous operations that we've performed within the articles lately. During this specific article however, we are going to be looking at a way to create HTTPS server instead with Node.js.

We use HTTPS after we would like secure sessions. A secure session implies that the online browser can encrypt everything you are doing with a digitally signed certificate. Therefore clearly before you are doing HTTPS, you would like to make certificates. Let's therefore spend a while to check a way to develop certificates for SSL.

Make a SSL Certificates
In order to make a certificate, you need to download a small tool OpenSSL first from this link

Download the version as per your system's specification, it's essentially a zip file. Once downloaded, extract the content to a such location onto your disc drive. Now open the location of the extracted content and copy the file openssl.cnf to the bin folder.

That is the configuration file for the Openssl. Next, open CMD, change the directory to this folder and execute the following code.

openssl req -config openssl.cnf -x509 -days 365 -newkey rsa:1024 -keyout hostkey.pem -nodes -out hostcert.pem

The program can then a few you for a few peices of data for creating the certificate. in the end of everything, you may have 2 files hostcert.pem and hostkey.pem, that is our certificate and key file respectively, that we are going to be using in our HTTPS server.

Creating HTTPS server
Just like we have a tendency to do for HTTP, an import to node's HTTP module, for HTTPS we import the HTTPS module. Also, since we'd like to pass within the certificate and key file, we also need to import the filestream (fs) module to enable Node to read the files. the following is that the code to make the HTTPS server.
var https = require('https'); 
var fs = require('fs'); 
   var options = { 
  key: fs.readFileSync('hostkey.pem'), 
  cert: fs.readFileSync('hostcert.pem') 
https.createServer(options, function (req, res) { 
  res.end("hello world\n"); 

Of course you wish to copy the files into the same location because the node program. now if you explore the code above, you will find that it's very similar to what we discussed before, like reading files, making a http server so on. The change however is that the https.createServer() method that takes another parameter, that is that the certificate and key for the SSL.

Now if you run the code and see it in a browser, this can be how it looks:
Select proceed anyway option as of now, as our browser does not understand our amazing certificate.

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