An integral part of a database management system (DBMS) is a query processor, which interprets and runs user queries so that users can efficiently communicate with the database. It guarantees that searches are handled effectively and yield the intended outcomes. Here, we examine a query processor's essential features, including its parts and operations.

Query Processor


Linker and Compiler
In the query processing pipeline, the compiler and linker are essential components. High-level queries defined in Data Definition Language (DDL) or Data Manipulation Language (DML) are translated by the compiler into machine code or lower-level code that the database engine can run. These compiled code fragments are subsequently combined by the linker into a cohesive entity that is prepared for execution. This procedure is similar to the compilation and linking process used to create executable programs from traditional programming languages.

DML Queries

Data Manipulation Language (DML) queries are used to manipulate the data within a database. Common DML operations include.

  • SELECT: Retrieve data from the database.
  • INSERT: Add new records to the database.
  • UPDATE: Modify existing records.
  • DELETE: Remove records from the database.

The query processor interprets these queries, optimizes them, and ensures they are executed efficiently, maintaining data integrity and performance.DDL InterpreterThe Data Definition Language (DDL) interpreter is responsible for handling DDL commands that define the database schema. DDL commands include.

  • CREATE: Define new database objects like tables, indexes, and views.
  • ALTER: Modify the structure of existing database objects.
  • DROP: Delete database objects.

The DDL interpreter ensures that these commands are correctly parsed and executed, updating the database schema as required.

Application Program Object Code
Application programs use embedded SQL queries to communicate with the database. The query processor initially writes these questions in the application code before compiling them into object code. The executable form of the SQL queries is represented by the object code, which enables smooth database interaction between the application and the database.

DML Compiler and Organizer

DML queries are converted into an intermediate form by the DML compiler, which also optimizes them for quick execution. This intermediate form is typically a list of simple operations that the query evaluation engine is able to perform on its own. After these queries are created, the organizer puts them into an ideal execution plan so that the database engine can run them quickly.

Query Evaluation Engine
The main element in charge of carrying out the compiled and optimized queries is the query evaluation engine. It performs the necessary actions to retrieve or alter data as described in the query by processing the intermediate code that is produced by the DML compiler. The query optimizer's defined optimization strategies are followed by the evaluation engine, which guarantees efficient execution.

A query processor is a sophisticated component of a DBMS, integrating various functions to ensure efficient query processing. From compiling and linking queries to interpreting DDL commands and executing DML operations, each component plays a crucial role in maintaining the performance and integrity of the database. Understanding these components helps in appreciating the complexity and efficiency of modern database management systems. SQL Server 2022 Hosting is European Windows Hosting Provider which focuses on Windows Platform only. We deliver on-demand hosting solutions including Shared hosting, Reseller Hosting, Cloud Hosting, Dedicated Servers, and IT as a Service for companies of all sizes.