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BLOG about Windows 2012 Hosting and SQL 2012 Hosting - Dedicated to European Windows Hosting Customer

SQL Server 2014 Hosting - :: SQL 2014 Upgrade Tips

clock April 5, 2016 18:34 by author Anthony

SQL Server Migration is a mixing process prior to SQL Server implementation newer version to a different location due to strategic decisions (such as SQL Server Consolidation). So in this article, I will explain about things to check before planning to migrate your SQL Server, from SQL Server 2008 to SQL Server 2014.

Before migrating your sql server, there are several things you need to know :

  • Your Operating System must be at least 2008. Because SQL 2014 cannot be installed on Windows 2003.
  • Your platform must be the same. It cannot go from 32 to 64 or 64 to 32.
  • The edition cannot downgrade.
  • Remember, you can only migrate from 2008.

Please note that these steps are specific for an upgrade to the database schema and data. They do not include anything regarding the upgrading or testing of an application that is going to be accessing the upgraded database. You will want to remember to test your application and not just assume it will work perfectly even after the database has been upgraded. I would also advise that you perform these steps in a non-production environment first because I often find that common sense isn’t so common after all.


Your upgrade tasks should be to run the following statement:


This will check your data for values that are no longer valid for the column datatype. For databases created prior to SQL 2005, this step is rather important to take. For databases created in SQL 2005 and later, the DATA_PURITY check is supposed to be done automatically with a regular CHECKDB.


This one has a place in any migration or upgrade process:


This command will help to fix any page count inaccuracies that are resulting in the sp_spaceused stored procedure returning wrong results. For SQL Server 2012, this check was recommended for databases created prior to SQL Server 2005. However, in SQL Server 2014, the BOL entry link lists this command as being applicable for databases created in SQL Server 2008 and later. That seems odd to me, since this command is valid for SQL Server 2005.


This one is a MUST for any migration or upgrade checklist:

USE db_name;
EXEC sp_updatestats;

This command will update the statistics for all the tables in your database. It issues the UPDATE STATISTICS command, which warrants mentioning because you may want to use that command with the FULLSCAN option. Don’t forget to update the statistics after an upgrade. Failure to do so could result in your queries running slowly as you start your testing and may end up wasting your time while you try to troubleshoot the possible bottlenecks. With SQL Server 2014 there is also a new Cardinality Estimator (CE).


Someone will build a view that spans into another database on the same instance. And, in what may be a complete surprise to many, sometimes these views will go across a linked server as well. The point here is that your view may not be of data that is contained in just the database on that single instance. In what could be the most dramatic twist of all, sometimes these views are created using a SELECT * syntax.

When you have bad code on top of views that go to other databases, you are going to want to use sp_refreshview to refresh those views. So, if you are migrating a database in your environment to a new server then it would be a good idea to refresh your views using sp_refreshview. Most of the time it won’t do anything for you, just like a burger topped with veggie bacon. But there is that one chance where it will dramatically improve performance and your customer will be happy as a result. Using sp_refreshview is a lot like flossing: it doesn’t take much effort, and the end result is usually worth it.


You should have taken one prior to the start of any upgrade or migration, and you had better take one right before you turn that database over to your end users. Also, you should save any output from the items listed here, as it could prove helpful should something go awry later.


Microsoft lists the minimum requirements for installing SQL Server 2014. However, chances are if your servers don’t already meet those requirements then you aren’t looking to upgrade anytime soon. But if you are upgrading, then it might be time to upgrade your hardware as well. You may even consider going virtual (if you aren’t already), which will still require you to examine your hardware requirements.


If you are running SQL Server 2000 instances. You are not able to upgrade directly to SQL Server 2014 without first upgrading to an intermediary version. You have two options to choose from when going from pre-SQL Server 2005 versions. The first option is to do an upgrade in place to SQL Server 2005, SQL Server 2008, or SQL Server 2008 R2. The second option is to do a backup (or even detach) your database and restore/attach to an instance running SQL Server 2005, SQL Server 2008, or SQL Server 2008 R2. At that point you will be able to complete the upgrade to SQL 2014.


If you have been going through SQL Server upgrades for the past ten years then you are likely to have noticed that the compatibility level does not get set to the newest version after the migration is complete. You need to manually set the compatibility level yourself. With SQL Server 2014 this becomes more important than in previous versions due to the new Cardinality Estimator (CE).


Take a few minutes and read the release notes. They can be useful for you to review. It’s good to have as complete a picture as possible for the new version should something not work as expected, and there are details in the release notes you may not find elsewhere. SQL 2014 Hosting revolutionized hosting with Plesk Control Panel, a Web-based interface that provides customers with 24x7 access to their server and site configuration tools. Plesk completes requests in seconds. It is included free with each hosting account. Renowned for its comprehensive functionality - beyond other hosting control panels - and ease of use, Plesk Control Panel is available only to HostForLIFE's customers. They
offer a highly redundant, carrier-class architecture, designed around the needs of shared hosting customers.

SQL Server Hosting - :: Can Not Connect to Server on SQL Server

clock April 4, 2016 19:00 by author Anthony

Microsoft SQL Server is a relational database management system (RDBMS) products Microsoft. Primary query language is Transact-SQL is an implementation of SQL ANSI / ISO used by Microsoft and Sybase. SQL Server is generally used in the business world that has a data base of small to medium scale, but then developed with the use of SQL Server on large data bases.

Microsoft SQL Server and Sybase / ASE can communicate over the network by using a protocol TDS (Tabular Data Stream). Apart from that, Microsoft SQL Server also supports ODBC (Open Database Connectivity), and has a JDBC driver to the Java programming language. The other feature of SQL Server is the ability to create a database mirroring and clustering. In previous versions, MS SQL Server 2000 affected by the SQL Slammer computer worm which caused delays in access to the Internet on January 25, 2003.

SQL Server is the best solution of SQL that provides the capability for mission critical confidence, self-service Business Intelligence and can run on hybrid scenarios using cloud technology. SQL Server 2012 was launched with the simplification editions and licensing schemes. SQL Server is generally used in the business world that has a data base of small to medium scale, but what if at the time wanted to make turns SQL Server database can not connet to the server on the computer.

Cannot connect to XXXXXXX\SQLEXPRESS.

A network-related or instance-specific error occurred while establishing a connection to SQL Server. The server was not found or was not accessible. Verify that the instance name is correct and that SQL Server is configured to allow remote connections. (provider: SQL Network Interfaces, error: 26 - Error Locating Server/Instance Specified) (.Net SqlClient Data Provider).

  • Go to the "SQL Server Configuration Manager".
  • Then select the SQL Server Configuration Manager (local).
  • Then click SQL Server Services, the right side will appear.
  • Then right-click SQL Server (SQLEXPRESS) >> START. Then wait for the configuration is complete.
  • Restart Server SQL Server Management Studio. SQL Hosting revolutionized hosting with Plesk Control Panel, a Web-based interface that provides customers with 24x7 access to their server and site configuration tools. Plesk completes requests in seconds. It is included free with each hosting account. Renowned for its comprehensive functionality - beyond other hosting control panels - and ease of use, Plesk Control Panel is available only to HostForLIFE's customers. They
offer a highly redundant, carrier-class architecture, designed around the needs of shared hosting customers.

SQL Server 2014 Hosting - :: How to Install SQL Server 2014 on Windows 10?

clock March 31, 2016 19:16 by author Anthony

Windows 10 is an operating system developed by Microsoft. Microsoft user interface 10 is designed specifically to optimize the experience based on the type of device and provided input, provide the right experience on devices teoat and at the right time. Therefore, in this article I will discuss and explain how to install SQL Server 2014 on Windows 10 operating systems.

There are several ways that can be used to install SQL Server 2014. Through the command prompt, server core, and others. But in this discussion, I will explain the easiest way, which is through SQL Server 2014 Setup wizard.

  • The first thing to do is you need to download SQL Server 2014 from Microsoft. You are free to choose for x64 or x86 according to your operating system.
  • Then double click on the .exe file has been downloaded, or to extract it. Then click the setup.exe file from folder.
  • After that it will open the SQL Server Installation Center. Select Installation, then select New SQL Server stand-alone installation or add features to an existing installation
  • After that, please check the I accept the license terms and click Next.
  • Then let SQL Server 2014 installed.
  • image

  • Then it will appear in the SQL Server 2014 Setup, Feature Selection. Select the checkboxes as shown below and click the Next button.
  • image

  • Next will appear on the SQL Server 2014 Setup, Configuration Instance. You can fill in the Name Instance in accordance with the needs and desires. In this tutorial I will be using SQLExpress. Once completed, please click the Next button.
  • image

  • Then you will see Server Configuration. selective startup type for SQL Browser as Automatic. Note that this is optional and click the Next button.
  • Then on the Database Engine Configuration, the Server Configuration tab, please select Mixed Mode (SQL Server authentication and Windows authentication). Then enter the password as well. You can also add users by clicking Add Current User. Then select Next.
  • image

  • After that you will see the installation of SQL Server 2014 when the installation has been completed.
  • Then you can click on the Start menu windows, you will find SQL Server 2014 has been installed. Please click on the SQL Server 2014 Management Studio. Then enter the server name matches the name that you created. In this tutorial I will put SQLEXPRESS on the server name. After that please click the Connect button.
  • SQL 2014 Hosting revolutionized hosting with Plesk Control Panel, a Web-based interface that provides customers with 24x7 access to their server and site configuration tools. Plesk completes requests in seconds. It is included free with each hosting account. Renowned for its comprehensive functionality - beyond other hosting control panels - and ease of use, Plesk Control Panel is available only to HostForLIFE's customers. They
offer a highly redundant, carrier-class architecture, designed around the needs of shared hosting customers.

SQL Reporting Service (SSRS) 2012 Hosting - :: How to Display SSRS Reports in Chrome, Firefox and Safari?

clock November 3, 2015 23:21 by author Peter

By default SSRS Reports do not render in Chrome, Firefox and Safari.  However, there's a hack that may be enforced to get this working. To fix the matter, we'd like to create a custom stylesheet for SSRS.  The new style sheet will use media queries to focus on the non-IE browsers.  So, In theory, i.e. won't be impacted using this solution.  This by no means that an ideal solution, and that i haven't had time to check it in every possible situation.  However, it's worked for me once I understand a user has to view a report in a non-IE browser.  It works best if you're hyper linking to a report from another location.


In SQL Server 2012,  you’ll find the SSRS css files located in 

C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSRS11.[Instance Name]\Reporting Services\ReportServer\Styles.

Create a new css file.  In the file paste the following styles:

@media screen and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio:0)

{    div[style] {        overflow:visible !important;    }}@-moz-document url-prefix() {    div[style] {         overflow:visible !important;    }}

Then you will want to take the contents of the HtmlViewer.css file and paste it before the styles above.  From what I can tell, this will tell SSRS to override the entire default css file with the new css file.

In order to call the report with the new css file you will need to use the following url format:

http://[your server dns name]/[Your SSRS Instance Webservice Path]?[Report Path]&rc.StyleSheet=[the new css file name]

For the example

where NonIEStylesheet is the name of the css file we placed into

C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSRS11.[Instance Name]\Reporting Services\ReportServer\Styles.  

Also notice we didn't use the /Reports/ endpoint for SSRS.  We have to use the /ReportServer/ endpoint. SQL Reporting Service (SSRS) 2012 Hosting is European Windows Hosting Provider which focuses on Windows Platform only. We deliver on-demand hosting solutions including Shared hosting, Reseller Hosting, Cloud Hosting, Dedicated Servers, and IT as a Service for companies of all sizes.


SQL Reporting Service (SSRS) 2012 Hosting - :: How to Fix Subscription Inventory, Failed Subscriptions in SSRS Utility Reports?

clock October 27, 2015 23:05 by author Peter

Today, let me show you How to Fix Subscription Inventory, Failed Subscriptions in SSRS Utility Reports. When delivering a SQL Server reporting Services (SSRS) solution with countless subscriptions, it's useful to conjointly include some utility reports regarding those subscriptions.

Here are a combine of queries you'll use against the ReportServer database (in this case, SQL Server 2014) to come up with some quick internal reports for an inventory of report subscriptions (who is receiving what, when, in what format, together with parameters?) and failed report subscriptions (what subscriptions have failed and why?), each with helpful info, timestamps and URL's.

Don't forget to alter the URL path's servername for these reports to reflect your own setup, keeping in mind that if you are using a named instance, the yourservername/Reports/ could look more like yourservername/Reports_instancename/.


Report Subscription Inventory:
This is an easy way to provide business users with an accurate and easy list of "who's getting what" that is pulled directly from the ReportServer metadata - it'll never be out of date and it's live.
SELECT Catalog.Name AS ReportName
,'http://yourservername/Reports/Pages/Report.aspx?ItemPath=' + Catalog.Path + '&SelectedTabId=PropertiesTab&SelectedSubTabId=SubscriptionsTab' AS ReportSubscriptionMgrUrl
,Subscriptions.Description AS SubscriptionDescription
,'Next Run Date' = CASE next_run_date
WHEN 0 THEN null
substring(convert(varchar(15),next_run_date),1,4) + '/' +
substring(convert(varchar(15),next_run_date),5,2) + '/' +
, 'Next Run Time' = isnull(CASE len(next_run_time)
WHEN 3 THEN cast('00:0'
+ Left(right(next_run_time,3),1)
+':' + right(next_run_time,2) as char (8))
WHEN 4 THEN cast('00:'
+ Left(right(next_run_time,4),2)
+':' + right(next_run_time,2) as char (8))
WHEN 5 THEN cast('0' + Left(right(next_run_time,5),1)
+':' + Left(right(next_run_time,4),2)
+':' + right(next_run_time,2) as char (8))
WHEN 6 THEN cast(Left(right(next_run_time,6),2)
+':' + Left(right(next_run_time,4),2)
+':' + right(next_run_time,2) as char (8))
) as [To]
, Convert(XML,[ExtensionSettings]).value('(//ParameterValue/Value[../Name="RENDER_FORMAT"])[1]','nvarchar(150)')
) as [Render Format]
,Convert(XML,[ExtensionSettings]).value('(//ParameterValue/Value[../Name="Subject"])[1]','nvarchar(150)') as [Subject]
FROM [dbo].[ReportSchedule]
INNER JOIN [dbo].[Schedule]
ON ReportSchedule.ScheduleID = Schedule.ScheduleID
INNER JOIN [dbo].[Catalog]
ON ReportSchedule.ReportID = Catalog.ItemID
INNER JOIN [dbo].[Subscriptions]
ON ReportSchedule.SubscriptionID = Subscriptions.SubscriptionID
INNER JOIN [dbo].[Users]
ON Subscriptions.OwnerID = Users.UserID
INNER JOIN msdb.dbo.sysjobs J ON Convert(nvarchar(128),[ReportSchedule].ScheduleID) =
INNER JOIN msdb.dbo.sysjobschedules JS ON J.job_id = JS.job_id

Report Subscription Failures:
Now, we allows the user to see if any subscriptions have failed most recently, for handling typical email or permissions errors, in the past 30 days. Because it uses the subscription's [laststatus] field (the same one you'll see in Report Manager), failures will drop off this report if they succeed again.
SELECT Catalog.Name AS ReportName
,'http://yourservername/Reports/Pages/Report.aspx?ItemPath=' + Catalog.Path + '&SelectedTabId=PropertiesTab&SelectedSubTabId=SubscriptionsTab' AS ReportSubscriptionMgrUrl
,Users.UserName AS SubscriptionOwner
,Subscriptions.Description AS SubscriptionDescription
FROM [dbo].[ReportSchedule]
INNER JOIN [dbo].[Schedule]
ON ReportSchedule.ScheduleID = Schedule.ScheduleID
INNER JOIN [dbo].[Catalog]
ON ReportSchedule.ReportID = Catalog.ItemID
INNER JOIN [dbo].[Subscriptions]
ON ReportSchedule.SubscriptionID = Subscriptions.SubscriptionID
INNER JOIN [dbo].[Users]
ON Subscriptions.OwnerID = Users.UserID
WHERE ((Subscriptions.DataSettings IS NULL AND Subscriptions.LastStatus LIKE 'Failure%') -- handle standard subscription errors
OR (Subscriptions.DataSettings IS NOT NULL AND RIGHT(Subscriptions.LastStatus, 11) <> '; 0 errors.'))
and Subscriptions.LastRunTime > dateadd(day, -31, getdate())

SQL Reporting Service (SSRS) 2012 Hosting - ::: How to Access SSRS with Fully Qualified Domain Name?

clock October 13, 2015 11:24 by author Peter

If you installed SQL Server reporting Services (SSRS) on a server in a domain and you utilize a website user to start out the service and did not perform any further configuration, then you likely will only access the Report Manager using an IP and not the fully Qualified domain name (FQDN) of the server (if an SPN isn't set).

If you are trying to use the fully Qualified domain name to access reporting services then you may likely be prompted for username password several times ending with an empty page.

In order to be able to access reporting Services using FQDN you may need to perform the subsequent actions:
1. Register a Service Principal Name (SPN) for the Domain User Account that Runs SSRS
Please look at the following example:
sample computer name: testssrs01
sample domain:
sample domain account: example\ssrsuser

Next, on the Domain Controller Server in a Command Prompt with Elevated Rights, you can Run as Administrator:
Example 1:
If SSRS are on port 80 (no need to specify 80 as it is the default http port):
Setspn -s http/ example\ssrsuser

Example 2:
If SSRS are on any other port (i.e. 2430):
Setspn -s http/ example\ssrsuser

2. Edit the RsReportServer.config File
On the Reporting Services server, in the virtual directory of SSRS, edit the "RsReportServer.config" file and locate the authenticationtypes section. Then add /rswindowsnegotiate as the first entry in the authenticationtypes section.

This above step will actually enable NTLM. SQL Reporting Service (SSRS) 2012 Hosting is European Windows Hosting Provider which focuses on Windows Platform only. We deliver on-demand hosting solutions including Shared hosting, Reseller Hosting, Cloud Hosting, Dedicated Servers, and IT as a Service for companies of all sizes.

SQL Reporting Service with Free ASP.NET Hosting - :: How to Fix an Error on Reporting Services “The report server installation is not initialized” ?

clock April 14, 2015 06:40 by author Peter

In this tutorial, let me tell you about How to Fix an Error on Reporting Services “The report server installation is not initialized” ? I had an undertaking for restoring the Reporting Services database from a live situation to a test domain.  Directly after the effective restore, I took  opening the Report Manager site and I was given the error "The report server establishment is not introduced. (rsReportServerNotActivated)". As you can see on the following picture:


This is a result of the  mismatch in the encryption key. To alter this, either restore the encryption key from the live environment or erase the encryption key from the restored reporting administrations database.  The restoration or cancellation of encryption key could be possible by utilizing the Reporting Services Configuration Manager.

I hope this tutorial works for you!

SQL Reporting Service with Free ASP.NET Hosting
Try our SQL Reporting Service with Free ASP.NET Hosting today and your account will be setup soon! You can also take advantage of our Windows & ASP.NET Hosting support with Unlimited Domain, Unlimited Bandwidth, Unlimited Disk Space, etc. You will not be charged a cent for trying our service for the next 3 days. Once your trial period is complete, you decide whether you'd like to continue.

SQL Server 2014 Hosting Belgium - :: How to Calculate Total Rows Inserted per Second ?

clock January 29, 2015 06:31 by author Peter

In this tutorial, I will write an article about How to Calculate Total Rows Inserted per Second in SQL Server 2014. Ever expected to compute the quantity of columns embedded consistently, for each table in every database on a server? Alternately, have you ever expected to approve that all methods have quit keeping in touch with tables? These sorts of inquiries come up routinely for me. To help with this, I've composed the following script, which inspects metadata qualities utilizing sys.partitions. This system isn't as precise as running SELECT COUNT(*) FROM, however its much quicker.

Remember, since it’s just looking at row counts, its very little help on tables that have a considerable measure of update/delete  action. Yet it does what I need it to do, and I utilize it pretty frequently, so I thought I'd experience case any other individual can advantage from it as well.

/* Declare Parameters */
DECLARE @newBaseline BIT = 1 -- change to 0 when you don't want to replace the baseline, i.e. after initial run
  , @delay CHAR(8) = '00:00:30'; -- change as needed 
IF @newBaseline = 1
    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#baseline') IS NOT NULL
        DROP TABLE #baseline; 
    CREATE TABLE #baseline
         database_name  SYSNAME
       , table_name     SYSNAME
       , table_rows     BIGINT
       , captureTime    DATETIME NULL

IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#current') IS NOT NULL
    DROP TABLE #current;
 CREATE TABLE #current
     database_name  SYSNAME
   , table_name     SYSNAME
   , table_rows     BIGINT
   , captureTime    DATETIME NULL
IF @newBaseline = 1
    EXECUTE sp_MSforeachdb 'USE ?;
        INSERT INTO #baseline
        SELECT DB_NAME()
            , As [tableName]
            , SUM(p.[rows]) As [rowCnt]
            , GETDATE() As [captureTime]
        FROM sys.indexes As i
        JOIN sys.partitions As p
            ON i.[object_id] = p.[object_id]
           AND i.index_id  = p.index_id
        JOIN sys.objects As o
            ON i.[object_id] = o.[object_id]
        WHERE i.[type] = 1
        GROUP BY;' 
    WAITFOR DELAY @delay;
 EXECUTE sp_MSforeachdb 'USE ?;
INSERT INTO #current
    , As [tableName]
    , SUM(p.[rows]) As [rowCnt]
    , GETDATE() As [captureTime]
FROM sys.indexes As i
JOIN sys.partitions As p
    ON i.[object_id] = p.[object_id]
   AND i.index_id  = p.index_id
JOIN sys.objects As o
    ON i.[object_id] = o.[object_id]
WHERE i.[type] = 1
      , c.table_rows - b.table_rows AS 'new_rows'
      , DATEDIFF(second, b.captureTime, c.captureTime) AS 'time_diff'
      , (c.table_rows - b.table_rows) / DATEDIFF(second, b.captureTime, c.captureTime) AS 'rows_per_sec'
FROM #baseline AS b
JOIN #current AS c
    ON b.table_name = c.table_name
   AND b.database_name = c.database_name
ORDER BY new_rows DESC; SQL Server 2014 Hosting is European Windows Hosting Provider which focuses on Windows Platform only. We deliver on-demand hosting solutions including Shared hosting, Reseller Hosting, Cloud Hosting, Dedicated Servers, and IT as a Service for companies of all sizes. We have customers from around the globe, spread across every continent. We serve the hosting needs of the business and professional, government and nonprofit, entertainment and personal use market segments.

SQL Server 2012 Hosting Spain - :: How to to check Recovery Model of a database in SQL Server ?

clock January 13, 2015 06:34 by author Peter

A Recovery Model is property of a database that control how transaction log is maintained. SQL Server supports simple, FULL and BULK-LOGGED recovery models. There are multiple ways in which to check recovery model of a database in SQL Server.

1. Using SQL Server Management Studio:
Right click on database in Object explorer -> Go to Properties dialog box -> Options page -> Recovery model

2. Using Metadata function – DATABASEPROPERTYEX():
SELECT [RecoveryModel] = DATABASEPROPERTYEX('SqlAndMe','Recovery')

Result Set: 

3. Using catalog view – sys.databases:
SELECT [DatabaseName] = name,
       [RecoveryModel] = recovery_model_desc
FROM   sys.databases

Result Set:
DatabaseName   RecoveryModel
master         SIMPLE
tempdb         SIMPLE
model          FULL
msdb           SIMPLE
Pubs           SIMPLE
EuWindows      SIMPLE
TestDB         SIMPLE
ProductCatalog SIMPLE
ReportDemo     SIMPLE
ReportServer   FULL
ReportServerTempDB  SIMPLE

(11 row(s) affected)

Using sys.databases catalog view is easier as it returns information of all databases on server. Hope this tutorial works for you!


SQL Server 2012 Hosting UK - :: Number of words in a string on SQL Server

clock January 9, 2015 06:01 by author Peter

In SQL Server there is not any inherent capacity accessible for discovering the number of words in a String. Here I reveal to both of you diverse methodologies for doing this, the first is the most simpleone, and is applicable only of these words are separated by a single space.

SELECT @String = 'SQL Server 2005'
SELECT LEN(@String) - LEN(REPLACE(@String, ' ', '')) + 1

As I said prior, the above query will provides for you the right result, just if the words are differentiated with a solitary space. Presently on the off chance that they are differentiated by more than one space, this will provide for you off base results as the results are basically relied on upon  Length of the original string. Along these lines, what will be the arrangement, simply compose a function  to do this.

CREATE FUNCTION dbo.udfWordCount(
@OriginalText VARCHAR(8000)
SELECT dbo.udfWordCount ('hello   world')
    DECLARE @i int ,@j INT, @Words int
    SELECT     @i = 1, @Words = 0
    WHILE @i <= DATALENGTH(@OriginalText)
        SELECT    @j = CHARINDEX(' ', @OriginalText, @i)
       if @j = 0
            SELECT    @j = DATALENGTH(@OriginalText) + 1
        IF SUBSTRING(@OriginalText, @i, @j - @i) <>' '
              SELECT @Words = @Words +1
        SELECT    @i = @j +1
SELECT dbo.udfWordCount ('SQL Server2012')
SELECT dbo.udfWordCount ('SQL Server 2012 ')


About is European Windows Hosting Provider which focuses on Windows Platform only. We deliver on-demand hosting solutions including Shared hosting, Reseller Hosting, Cloud Hosting, Dedicated Servers, and IT as a Service for companies of all sizes.

We have offered the latest Windows 2016 Hosting, ASP.NET Core 2.2.1 Hosting, ASP.NET MVC 6 Hosting and SQL 2017 Hosting.

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